5 Steps to Get Started

You’ve received an email from a member of your organization inviting you to create a Narratize account. This article will help you get started writing in five easy steps.

Step 1: Create your account 

Click on the "Join Now" button in the invitation email. Answer a few demographic questions, create your password, and log in.

Learn More: How to log in and create your account.




Step 2: Review the templates

Narratize provides a wide range of AI-based templates and features to enhance writing within your organization, including strong internal collaboration, research, and storytelling support.


Step 3: Select a template

Each template includes a description that will help you determine which template is right for your needs. 

Step 4: Answer questions and generate 

After clicking Create, you will land on the Narratize Builder. The Builder is where you will answer a few questions designed to help you tailor the output to your particular needs. Learn more about generating content in Narratize in this article.

Step 5: Take your draft to the next step 

When your draft is ready, it will appear in the Narratize Editor. From there, you can decide on the next steps.

  • Want the AI to try again? Click Regenerate
  • Want to make it your own? Edit in the rich text editor. 
  • Want to transform it into a different type of content? Click on a Transformation Tool.
  • Want to Save this to a Project in your Narratize account? Click Save to Project

That’s it! With Narratize, your are one step closer to getting your bold ideas told. Now wasn’t that easy? 


Still need help? 

Contact support