How to Generate Content with Templates

Here's how to use Narratize AI templates to generate content

Do you have a great idea you need to communicate and don’t know how to start writing? Narratize templates are designed to streamline your writing process and simplify the process of turning your ideas into deliverables. 

We have two workflows (or ways to generate content) with templates built into the platform: 

  1. "From scratch" templates: These templates are ones to use when you are starting a new task.  Narratize will turn your ideas into new content you can use. 
  2. Transformations templates: With transformations, you're taking an existing piece of content and turning it into something new.

Template library  

The templates library lists all of our currently available templates.:

Some of our most popular templates include the pitch, the white paper, and the project status report. 

Each template includes a description to help you choose which is the right one to use based on your use case. 

Transformation templates will have a Transformation icon. 

Select the template you’d like to use and click Create.

From scratch templates 

Respond to the prompts in what we call the Builder. The prompts are designed to help you generate new insights about your work and also to develop the output to your specific needs.

Click Generate. 

💡Tip: Make sure to add enough detail and any specific technical terms you need to use to ensure the best output possible.

Transformation templates

Selecting a transformation template brings you to the Uploader.

Upload the file you'd like to transform or copy and paste the text into the text box. Click Generate. 

Editing your draft 

The generated content draft will appear in a rich text editor. This is the Narratize Editor. In the Editor, you can add a title and make any formatting changes you’d like. 

✏️Note: You can also access the output draft on My Dashboard any time after it is generated. 

How to take your draft to the next step

You have three options for changing the output in the Editor screen.

  • Want the AI to try again? Click Regenerate. 
  • Want to make it your own? Edit the output in the rich text editor. 
  • Want to transform it into a different type of content? Click on a Transformation Tool.

💡Tip: Transformation Tools give you a condensed or restylzed version of the output. Using these tools can help you quickly scale your writing, repurpose it for different occasions, or target it to a specific audience.

Click Save to Project to keep the output organized with other related content you or your team has generated. 

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