How to Manage Users on Your Account

How to manage users on your account: including inviting, and removing users, and changing permissions and settings.

🚩 You must be the organization's account administrator to perform the actions mentioned in this article.

As a Narratize admin, we've made it easy for you to manage the users on your organization's account all from the Manage Organization tab on your Narratize dashboard. 

Watch the tutorial on Managing your Organization, or read on to learn all about it. 🙌


How to locate user management 

To access user management, log in to your account and select "Manage Organization" in the left side navigation toolbar.

This will take you to the Manage Organization section where you'll be able to perform all of the actions covered in this article. 


Manage organization toolbar 

In the manage organization toolbar, you can see how many seats you have available based on your subscription plan (and how many are remaining). 

This will be helpful to monitor as you start inviting users to join your organization. 

Filtering users 

Whether you want to display a specific user to check their status in the system, or manage the details of a certain user, you may want to filter the users. 

To filter the users, use the Search bar. 

💡Tip: Entering the first four letters of a user's name will auto populate user's fitting that search criteria. 

Inviting users 

  1. To invite users, navigate to the "Manage Organization" tab. Click on the Invite Users button. 
  2. Next, on the Invite Users screen, manually enter a single or multiple email addresses of the users you'd like to invite. Or you can upload a XLSL file with multiple email addresses. There is a template you can use to create the XLSL file. 
  3. Then, set the user's role, and if applicable, assign the user to a team.
  4. Once you've entered the user email address(es), click Invite. 
  5. The user will receive an email inviting them to join your organization on Narratize. The email will include a unique log in link.
  6. You can share this article with them as a quick guide to getting started.

✏️ Note: Once a user has clicked the invite link and logged in to their account, they will count as a paid user according to your plan type. 

User management functions 

Once a user has been invited, their name will appear in your organization's user management view. From this view, you can check the status of an invite, see when a user has last logged in, or delete a user. 

Viewing the status of an invite 

Once you've invited user(s), you can see whether or not the user has accepted the invite and joined. To do this, in the user management view, locate the user name. Then, toggle to "Status." This will indicate whether the invitation has been accepted, or is still pending. 

Deleting a user 

If a member has left a team, it can be useful to delete the user from the account. 

To delete a user on your organization's account, locate the desired user and press on the three-dot menu on the right side. From the resulting menu, select "Delete."

✏️Note: Deleting a user removes them from your account as an active user. This will not permanently delete any content that they've generated. 

View user's last log in date

To quickly check when each user was last active on your account, simply check out the "Last Log in" column in the user management section. 


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