How to Create Powerful High Impact Pitches, Proposals, Presentations, and More...

Learn how to leverage Narratize to Generate Rapid Buy-In for New Product Concepts

As an innovator, communicating your groundbreaking work effectively is crucial for gaining support and resources and bringing your innovations to market. Narratize offers a suite of tools designed to streamline and automate how you communicate and craft impactful product narratives throughout that process. 



How To Leverage Narratize For Creating Impactful Pitches, Proposals, And Presentations

  1. Use the Article Analyzer to quickly learn and extract key information from academic papers and research articles.
  2. Use the StoryInfuser regularly to capture insights as they occur.
  3. Build your communication materials incrementally, starting with core elements like Problem and Solution Statements, and using those to create more substantial collateral like reports and presentations.
  4. Build an impactful Pitch for your innovation, idea or initiative.
  5. Use the Slide Deck Builder to transform your technical insights into a visually compelling presentation. 
  6. Leverage more of Narratize’s templates to create a cohesive set of materials for different purposes ranging from project management to product development to marketing and external communications. 
  7. Transform your pitch to be more concise or simplified with the click of a button. 
  8. Use the Styler feature to fine-tune your message for a variety of audiences and stakeholders.

Let’s take a closer look at how to put this plan into action.


Step-by-Step Guide


Step 1: Analyze and Synthesize Research

Start by using the Article Analyzer to ground your work in current literature. 

  1. Choose Your Adventure:  Decide whether you want to dig deeply into a single article or conduct a broader literature review. The Article Analyzer offers two modes: single source analysis and multi-source literature review.
  2. Article Analyzer visuals (1)Analyze a Single Source:  To gain a thorough understanding of one article, upload your document or enter search terms in the search bar. Click "Generate," and Narratize will produce a list of key insights including a summary, key findings, impact statement, and more. 
  3. Article Analyzer visualsConduct a Literature Review:  To extract and synthesize insights from multiple articles, start by searching the literature. Narratize will pull relevant articles from our extensive selection of scholarly databases. Select which articles to include in your review, and hit "Generate." You'll receive an Evidence Table with analyses of each article, as well as a synthesized Key Insights Summary.
  4. Leverage Your Results:  Use these insights to quickly understand your research landscape, review methods used, and identify research gaps and opportunities. Easily export your results or use them directly in other Narratize templates to create evidence-backed content.

      Step 2: Capture Insights and Ideas

      As you make discoveries, use the StoryInfuser to capture your thoughts in real-time:

      1. Select the "Technical Insights" template.
      2. Input your findings, observations, and ideas in your own words.
      3. Let the AI analyze and organize your input into key themes.
      StoryInfuser Process Visual

      Or, use the StoryInfuser to collect insights from team members, customers, or stakeholders. 

      1. Set up the StoryInfuser and send the link or QR code to your contributors.
      2. Your contributors will answer questions and submit their insights. Narratize transforms those answers into a clear, concise narrative.
      3. Infuse those stories into the content you generate.

      Step 3: Create the Core Elements of your Innovation Narrative

      Build your communication materials incrementally, starting with core elements like problem and solution statements, and building to Innovation Stories. 

      1. Problem Statement: Begin by crafting a clear problem statement. Use insights from your research and the Article Analyzer to articulate the challenge.
      2. Solution Statement: Describe how your research or innovation addresses the problem. Highlight the unique aspects of your approach.
      3. Impact Statement: Inform and convince stakeholders with 150-200 words that outline what they can expect to gain.
      4. Business Case Statement: Convince stakeholders your proposal is a sound investment by explaining how a project's benefits outweigh its costs.

      Step 4: Build your Pitch

      1. Craft a concise Elevator Pitch.
      2. Use the Pitch Builder template to generate a more detailed presentation:
        1. Incorporate elements from your problem statement, solution statement, and elevator pitch.
        2. Add technical details, market potential, and competitive advantages.
        3. The Pitch Builder creates a 1,000 word pitch, which you can then use to create a pitch script, grant application, and more. 

      Step 5: Transform Your Materials with a Click of a Button

      • Summarize: Create a more concise version that inspires even the busiest readers.
      • Simplify: Wave a magic wand to simplify content. Paste or upload text to generate a simplified version.
      • BLUF: Bottom. Line. Up. Front. Don't waste any time with your busy audiences. Generate a BLUF to help them tune into the bottom line.
      • Value Proposition: Identify the most attractive points through the eyes of your audience. Now that's value!

      Step 6: Create a Slide Deck

      Narratize’s Slide Deck Builder was designed to support core R&D communication needs - explaining complex concepts, showcasing methodologies, presenting data clearly, and highlighting the potential impact of your work. 

        Here’s how it works:

        1. Choose Your Presentation Type
          • Research and Development Presentations
          • Technical Demonstrations
          • Innovation Pitch Deck
          • Project Updates
          • And more...
        2. Input Your Research: Upload a research document or answer a handful of targeted questions about your methodology, findings, and implications.
        3. Watch the Magic Unfold: Within minutes, you have a professionally designed deck that presents your research with clarity and impact.

        Step 7: Develop Supporting Documents

        Depending on your needs, create additional materials:

        Product Development:
            • Use the Product Requirements Document (PRD) template to define product specifications.
            • Generate User Stories to outline specific functionalities from a user's perspective.
            • Create Epics to group related user stories and define larger work chunks.
            • Develop Acceptance Criteria to clearly define when a feature is complete.
        Project Management:
            • Use the Project Plan template to outline objectives, timelines, and resources.
            • Create Project Status Reports to keep stakeholders informed of progress.
            • At the end of a project, use the Project Closeout Report to summarize outcomes.
            • Conduct an After Action Review to capture lessons learned for future projects.
        Marketing and Communication:
          • For broader dissemination, use the White Paper template to establish authority and credibility.
          • Create a Press Release to announce significant developments or findings.
          • Utilize the Social Media templates to craft engaging posts for various platforms.

        Step 8: Tailor Your Content for Different Audiences

        Leverage the Styler feature to effortlessly adapt your content to cater to various stakeholders within your organization or target audience.

        Styler VisualHow the Styler Works:

        1. Select your primary document (e.g., your pitch or white paper).
        2. Choose different audience profiles (e.g., C-suite, technical team, investors).
        3. Let Narratize adjust the language and focus for each audience.

        By following this workflow and leveraging this suite of AI-powered templates, you can transform complex concepts into clear, compelling narratives that drive understanding, belief, and support for your work.